While doing my shopping yesterday in Tesco I checked out their greener living promotion and saw these "Bokashi bin" type composters. They can be used to compost almost any food waste, including meat, dairy products and cooked food, that you cannot put in a normal compost bin.
The secret to how they work is Bokashi bran, which is a mix containing bran, molasses and micro organisms. When you add waste to the bin you sprinkle in a handful of Bokashi bran and this helps break it down and prevent any unpleasant smells. As the waste breaks down a liquid plant feed is produced that is drained off via a tap at the bottom of the bin.
Once the bin is full it must be left for 14 days after which time the contents can be safely added to a garden compost bin or buried in a trench to finish breaking down. It's usually better to have 2 bins so that you can start filling a new one while the previous one is working.
I have seen this type of composter before but they are usually very expensive so it was something that I had added to my mental wish list. When I saw them in Tesco they were already selling at a much reduced price of £21. But when I went back to pick them up at the end of doing my shopping they had been further reduced to the bargain price of £10.50! That was for the twin pack, they also had single bins for £6.50 and both packs included Bokashi bran.
I have already put mine to use, adding cheese, bread and leftover cooked food and will let you know how it goes in a future post.
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