I've reaped my first harvest, a lovely bunch of radishes. I ate them for my lunch in a mixed salad, and very nice they were too.

I'm off on my hols tomorrow. I'm going to Canada for three weeks, so I've been busy getting the allotment up to scratch before I go to give it a fighting chance of not suffering too much while I'm away.

My son wanted to grow giant sunflowers and giant pumpkins. We planted sunflower seeds and they are now sturdy seedlings and we cheated a bit and bought a couple of pumpkin plants from the allotment association. The pumpkins are doing well and if you look closely they are already starting to produce female flowers with little potential pumpkins behind them.

My potatoes are doing well and I'm really looking forward to eating some yummy new potatoes with butter when I get back from my holiday.
The plot is looking pretty good at the moment. Most of the seeds I've planted are growing and I've now planted out the plants I started off on the kitchen window sill. Hopefully they will survive while I'm away. The pesky pigeons had been attacking my turnips but my son and myself made up some snazzy bird scarers to see them off and it seems to have worked.
My son wanted to grow giant sunflowers and giant pumpkins. We planted sunflower seeds and they are now sturdy seedlings and we cheated a bit and bought a couple of pumpkin plants from the allotment association. The pumpkins are doing well and if you look closely they are already starting to produce female flowers with little potential pumpkins behind them.
One of my allotment mysteries has been solved, I've met my neighbours. And no, I was wrong, they don't garden at night, just at different times to myself it seems. My mystery tree has now stared producing fruit and I'm still not sure what it is. Any ideas?
My potatoes are doing well and I'm really looking forward to eating some yummy new potatoes with butter when I get back from my holiday.
I have employed a couple of babysitters to keep an eye on things (my partners parents) and I'm sure they'll take good care of the plot for me. They have both been so helpful in getting the plot started and with their continuing support, I'm really grateful to them.
I'm sure it will be a fantastic holiday but I will miss the allotment and worry about what's happening on it.
How much will everything have grown when I get back? Will it all survive? Will my son's plan to grow the world's biggest radish come to fruition?!! Come back in three weeks to find out.......
I'm sure it will be a fantastic holiday but I will miss the allotment and worry about what's happening on it.
How much will everything have grown when I get back? Will it all survive? Will my son's plan to grow the world's biggest radish come to fruition?!! Come back in three weeks to find out.......
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