I recently harvested my first crop of Jerusalem Artichokes. They are known for having a windy side affect, and are also known by some of us as fartichokes. They are neither from Jerusalem nor artichokes but are related to sunflowers, as you might guess from seeing them in flower.

Mine were a bargain buy, found in the reduced bin at the end of the spring planting season. I decided I had nothing much to lose giving them a try and popped them in the ground. Actually I forgot I had planted them and nearly dug them up as a weed in the summer until I spotted the label. I'm glad I didn't because the one plant I have dug so far produced a huge crop.
I had some roasted earlier today and tonight my neighbours are probably thinking I've taken up the trombone.....
The plot is starting to look a bit neater as I continue with the clear up.

and after......

The Japanese overwintering onions are doing well

I've also planted my garlic and am hoping for some nice fat bulbs next year. Although I have to admit that this years ones may have been pathetically small, but boy are they strong!
I've been fostering a 7 year old girl this week to give her carer a break over half term. She loved the allotment and really enjoyed helping me dig up the jerusalems and the last of my spuds. Later we made chips from some of the spuds and she was amazed because she had no idea that chips were made from potatoes.
At last my son's pumpkins have met their destiny as spooky Halloween jack-o'-lanterns. The smaller ones were designed by him and the little girl, and the big one was my idea, inspired by one I saw on the net.