I also had another wild visitor one quiet evening
My patty pan have finally given up so I've composted the remains and cleared the bed. A couple of things are still hanging on but most things are pretty much finished now. Unfortunately I didn't get around to planting winter crops this year. I've put in some spring cabbages my mum gave me and I made sure they are covered to keep the pests off.
There is still plenty of work to do over the autumn and winter preparing for next season. As well as clearing the beds and adding soil improvers I need to get the rest of the plot up and running. I left some of the ground covered for my first year but I'm going to be working the full plot from next year so I need to dig the soil over and make a few more beds. Covering it should have got rid of a lot of the weeds but I know that is the side where my nemesis bindweed is still lurking.