I've been enjoying a few more fruits of my labour this week.
I decided to dig up one of my Epicure new potatoes and found a nice little crop underneath. They were lovely, quite creamy tasting. Even my son, who is not that fond of potatoes, declared them delicious and polished off his share.
I cut a few heads of pak choi. More than I needed really because the rows needed thinning out after putting on so much growth when I was away. We've eaten some in a stir fry and I gave a couple to my mum.
I also decided that I would have to pull some rhubarb since I needed a machete to get through my gate. I used it to make a rhubarb grunt (like a cobbler) for my appreciative partner.
I haven't had a lot of time on the allotment this week so I've mostly been weeding and thinning out crops. While doing so I discovered that a couple of turnips in the first row were starting to bolt (flower) which was a bit disappointing. After doing a bit of research it looks likely to be due to water or weather conditions. They were also the ones that were attacked by the pigeons so maybe it just all got too much for them.
Other things are doing well however. I had my first ripe strawberry today and there are lots more coming. I also noticed that one of my courgettes, a round variety, has small fruits developing.
And my son is especially pleased that his pumpkins and sunflowers seem to have appreciated the feeding and watering he gave them and have noticeably grown this week.